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10 kWp PV system in the northernmost community in Canada

26/06/2024 / Grise Fiord, Canada
Grise Fiord in the Canadian territory of Nunavut is home to 135 people and is one of the coldest inhabited places in the world. Before the construction of a 10 kWp PV system, the village was 100% dependent on diesel power plants for energy generation, with the transport of diesel from the mainland through the fiord almost doubling its price.
However expensive transport is not the only issue: with an average annual temperature of around -16 °C, the waters around Grise Fiord are frozen for nine months of the year. During this time, the settlement cannot be reached by sea – a circumstance that made the installation of a PV system on the facade of the municipal office a challenging undertaking.

Adventurous journey for staff and materials

The logistics of coordinating the arrival of both personnel and materials on site were quite involved. Even in good weather, it takes at least three days and six flights to reach Grise Fiord. The township therefore entrusted the solar power project to Green Sun Rising, a Canadian installer with experience in these latitudes. The installer was able to master the challenge by bringing all the system components, including a Fronius Symo 10.0 inverter, to the installation site without a hitch.

Non-stop solar power production

Once on site, the PV system was punctually brought online.  The installation withstands the extreme weather conditions and generates almost 10,000 kWh per year. Although transport costs at least doubled the overall cost of the PV system, the amortisation period is only six years. This is achieved by the impressive system efficiency during the summer months: the sun does not set in Grise Fiord for around two months. The PV system therefore continuously generates solar power and achieves a particularly high level of productivity.

» The main reason we went with Fronius was for the support from a local organization and familiarity with building systems in the North.  «

Klaus Dohring, Installer Green Sun Rising

Important investment in the community

The solar power system not only reduces the community‘s dependence on expensive fossil fuels but also saves 2.6 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year in addition to costs. This is not the only reason why the installation represents a sound investment for the northernmost settlement in North America and its population. In addition to offices, the building also houses a gym, a stage and a canteen and forms the centre of social and cultural life of Grise Fiord.

System data:

Size of system  10 kW DC
Fronius components  Fronius Symo 10 208 - 240
Annual yield  9,800 kWh
CO2 savings /year  2,665 KG
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