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Everything from a single source – our complete solar package

2023/06/14 / Niederfüllbach
Electricity, heat, electric mobility and energy storage: The Anzi family relies on the power of the sun – and on Fronius products and solutions – for its entire energy system.
All solar? Naturally! The Anzi family in the German state of Bavaria knew from the start that they wanted to plan their house sustainably and supply it entirely with renewable energy – without needing any gas, oil or other fossil fuels. They quickly decided to use solar energy in all its facets and to live with the power of the sun in an energy self-sufficient way that conserves resources. "Sustainability was very important to us and we wanted to do something for the future, so our children would still benefit from it,” Ralf Anzi explains. “We wanted to be as self-sufficient as possible – independent from things like price increases in the electricity or gas sectors.” So in addition to the PV system on the roof, all the other components required for that were also considered when planning construction of the house – and exclusively using Fronius products and solutions.
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» We are true Fronius fans! But more specifically, we chose Fronius because we get all the components here from a single source. With the comprehensive package for electricity, heating and mobility, we can easily cover all the bases. «

Ralf Anzi, system owner

A comprehensive package that does it all

The Anzi family charges their electric cars with Fronius Wattpilot, uses Fronius Ohmpilot to heat their water, runs their heat pump and all other household appliances with their own solar power from the PV system with Fronius inverters – and when the sun isn’t shining, they access the power stored in a BYD battery. Thanks to their cutting-edge energy system, the Anzi family is now completely energy self-sufficient during the sunny months from March to September. The family was impressed by the features and strengths of our sustainably designed and sustainably made products and solutions, but was also especially happy with the expert advice and implementation provided by the reliable Fronius System Partners. Ralf Anzi is also enthusiastic about the integrated monitoring features that are included as standard:

» It was important to us to get everything from a single source. And then everything is also displayed graphically in the Solar.web app. This means we always have an overview of what the plant is producing and what we are consuming in the household. And if there’s ever a fault, it actually sends me a message so I can respond quickly. «

Together we can achieve 24 hours of sun.

We are proud that Ralf and Antje Anzi placed such enormous trust in Fronius and have planned their entire energy system with us. We’ve taken great pleasure in assisting them in their personal energy transition.

Read here how Ralf, Antje and their son Fabio Anzi are energizing their lives with sun every day, perfectly in line with our motto “Energize your life”:

Energize your life – power for the whole family

Planning is key...

The underfloor heating, pool and heat pump are the main electrical loads in the Anzi family household, along with the usual appliances like the TV, refrigerator, washing machine, dryer, etc. Now they can all be powered with PV electricity, thanks to holistic and farsighted planning that included realistically calculating future electricity consumption during the planning phase for the house. The PV system and battery storage were dimensioned to provide enough solar energy for the entire household.



... and it all comes down to timing

It pays to use household electrical appliances when the sun is shining and electricity is being generated.

“We generate the electricity we need for the house and even the electric cars ourselves, or we feed the electricity we generate into the grid. Since March – which means for a good six months – we haven't had to purchase any energy from external sources,”  Ralf Anzi explains proudly.

Maximum performance including backup

With their PV system, the Anzi family is not only largely energy self-sufficient but is also protected: Combining our two inverters, Fronius Symo and Fronius GEN24 Plus including battery storage, guarantees maximum performance and energy even if the grid power fails. Ralf Anzi and his family can then continue supplying their house with electricity independently of the public power grid.

» Another advantage of the Fronius GEN24 Plus is its emergency power feature. We can continue using our power from the roof if there’s a grid outage. We’ve achieved additional independence here.” «

Loaded with flexibility with Fronius Wattpilot

Antje and Ralf Anzi own two electric cars they drive every day. Their switch to electric mobility was the obvious choice not only because they had their own PV system, but also due to cost considerations. “Assuming an average of 20,000 kilometers per year, we would have had about EUR 5,000 in fuel costs last year. With electric mobility, it’s currently only about EUR 350, and we are also helping cut carbon emissions,” says Ralf Anzi, explaining their reasoning.

The couple now charges their electric cars with their Fronius Wattpilot, making full use of the two available charging modes. They either charge solely with surplus PV power in Eco mode or switch to drawing from the power grid in Next Trip mode if they want to fully charge the cars by a certain time for longer business trips.


» Another advantage with the Wattpilot is that it automatically switches the charging power depending on how much surplus PV power is available. Once the car is plugged in, you don't have to worry about anything. That makes it easy for us.” «

No more cold feet with Fronius Ohmpilot

In addition to the air-source heat pump that uses excess PV power for the underfloor heating throughout the house, the Anzi family also opted for a Fronius Ohmpilot. It uses PV electricity to continuously heat the service and process water in the 300-liter water storage tank during the day. The family can then take warm showers and baths in the evening without having to access energy from the electricity storage system. Ralf and Antje Anzi appreciate the automatic features of our heating solution here as well:

“The advantage with Fronius Ohmpilot is that it controls the output automatically – from 0 to 9 kW. As with the Fronius Wattpilot, you don't have to set anything here manually and everything is managed in the background. I set a target temperature and it maintains that during the day.”

Fronius Ohmpilot also has a convenient Legionella feature that heats the water to over 60 degrees at specific intervals to kill any bacteria or germs in the water. Heating then resumes at the specified setpoint temperature.

Power at night with Fronius GEN24 Plus and BYD battery storage

Having solar power available even when none is being generated – that was what motivated the Anzi family to opt for battery storage from the start. This lets them achieve their plan to save electricity and also allows them to use their solar energy from the roof at night. Connecting BYD electricity storage to our Fronius GEN24 Plus hybrid inverter makes it all possible. Together, the two products make an unbeatable team. The best thing about it is that the design of the electricity storage from BYD can be customized and adapted to specific needs using individual modules. As the family’s energy needs grow, the battery storage can grow along with them. This was decisive for the Anzi family:

“What we like about the BYD electricity storage system is that there are individual storage blocks, so you can design the storage in modules. We currently have 8 blocks totaling about 22 kWh.”


Monitoring made easy with Fronius Solar.web

The Anzi family keeps a close eye on power consumption and energy generation using our free Fronius Solar.web monitoring tool together with their Fronius Smart Meter. This way, everyone always knows exactly how much electricity is currently being generated or fed into the grid and how much energy is being consumed in the household. Important loads and components can be listed and clearly visualized. “We’ve found that to be a great feature because we always have a good overview.” And you can also take countermeasures, such as if the house is simply using too much at the moment, for example,” Ralf Anzi explains. The tool also provides forecasts for expected energy production in the coming hours and days based on current weather forecasts. The monthly and annual summaries help Ralf Anzi monitor the long-term performance of his system. Our energy solutions are sustainably energizing the lives of the Anzi family – now and for generations to come.

Whether you design your household holistically for solar energy from the start or incrementally increase your reliance on the power of the sun in your energy system – our flexible products and solutions are optimally matched to each other and can also be ideally adapted to your needs. Learn more today about our energy solutions from a single source.
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