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Wolfgang, Head of Project Business, Solar Energy

Wolfgang's Story Head of Project Business, Solar Energy

Head of Department

  • Management position
  • Employee coordination
  • Strategic tasks
  • Coordinating department development

Project Business Solar Energy

The Project Business, Solar Energy department, provides customised solutions for photovoltaic systems and hydrogen fuel-cell installations. The focus is on large-scale projects which are managed from analysis to completion. Additionally, the department offers business models for the long-term operation of these systems.

Look over Wolfgang’s shoulder on a typical workday.

Requirements: Head of Department 

  • Professional competence
  • Work experience
  • Leadership qualities
  • Continuing training of work and leadership skills


Wolfgang, Head of Project Business, Solar Energy

Why are you the right person for this job?

Wolfgang: I see the purpose of working in an area that is shaping the future. We are coordinating the implementation of renewable-energy systems for our customers and also offer the corresponding business models to operate them. Our fields of operation are photovoltaic systems and hydrogen created with solar energy. Therefore, we provide the energy of the future. This fact inspires me and is one of the reasons why I love my job.

Why is your job the right one for you?

Wolfgang: We are working on topics that bring up new challenges almost every day while also providing us with the possibility of creating individual solutions with latest technology. This is exactly what I want to do, pushing the limits of what is possible. Our team is flexible and we can act faster than the usual standardised processes in the company. That way we can deliberately try new ways. All those factors make my job exciting and fit my way of working.

What skills should someone in your position possess?

Wolfgang: One ought to be an absolute team player and needs a keen sense for people's feelings and needs. You need to be able to understand how employees who you want to lead feel. Of course there are managers with little sense for people’s needs – that can work too – but not for me. Fronius, as a family-run business, is a very people centred company, making social skills even more important.


Photovoltaic panels at Fronius Wels

Can you tell us a bit more about your department?

Wolfgang: Contrary to most other departments at Fronius, we are not working in the product but in the solution business. We offer our customers the implementation of renewable-energy systems as well as the appropriate business model for their investment. Which means we not only build the systems, but also provide our customers with a convenient all-in-one package in the photovoltaic or hydrogen fuel-cell field.

What special know-how does your department possess?

Wolfgang: Our department has specific knowledge regarding the planning and execution of large-scale projects. Additionally, there are a lot of experts on the topics photovoltaic and hydrogen at Fronius. We also have outstanding competencies when it comes to guidelines and rules that have to be considered when planning and erecting one of our systems.

What does success mean for you and your team?

Wolfgang: That is simple: Satisfied customers.

Personal Insights

Wolfgang, Head of Project Business, Solar Energy

What are your tasks within your team?

Wolfgang: An essential part of my job is dedicated to expanding our area of business and setting the right pace for it. Our company usually expands in accordance with the customer needs and that is our goal too. Furthermore, the coordination of inter-divisional work and the cooperation with our subsidiaries are also my responsibility. But first and foremost my task is to create the perfect environment for my team, enabling them to do a great job.


What makes working for Fronius attractive to you?

Wolfgang: The great working atmosphere and the fact that it is a family-run business. I deliberately picked a company that is still in the hands of the owners and do not regret the decision as I still love to go to work after eleven years.

International family-run business

Fronius is a family-run business in the third generation. In time our company grew beyond the borders of Austria. Numerous subsidiaries across the globe offer interesting job opportunities for employees. Moreover, the cultural diversity of people in our Fronius community prove to be an important resource to develop new ideas and inventions.

Wolfgang's advice to new employees

» Be courageous! – Especially in the field of Project Business. In a company like Fronius one can accomplish a lot of things without asking for permission all the time. We have a large scope of action regarding individual decision making. Of course there are limits, but they are very well set out. «

Wolfgang, Head of Project Business, Solar Energy

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