Perfect Welding

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Perfect Welding

WeldCube Welding production at a glance

Any time. Anywhere.

In the smart factory of tomorrow, the aim is to achieve production processes that are faster, more flexible, and more powerful, with the capacity for seamless integration.

Welding data must therefore be subject to complete recording, documentation, and analysis in the field of welding technology, but data also need to be made available for other systems in the production environment.

Fronius offers a number of software solutions in the area of data management, which make it easier for the user to handle the wealth of data.

The software solutions from Fronius...

Save time and money

/ Automated documentation without handwritten notes

/ Analysis at the push of a button

/ Reduced administrative workload

Ensure safety in production

Traceability at component and seam level

/ Full documentation of welding data

/ Minimization of risk of error

/ Central administration of user authorizations for Fronius welding systems and software products

Increase productivity

Identify potential for optimization

/ Continuous weld-seam monitoring

/ All system status data at a glance

Data management

Fronius offers the optimal software solution for the ongoing planning, collection, analysis, and visualization of welding technology production data in the form of the WeldCube product portfolio.

Depending on the WeldCube version, welding and system data can be stored and evaluated either locally in the welding systems or centrally in a database.

Open WeldCube video

Three variants for different customer requirements


Local documentation

with WeldCube Basic and WeldCube Light

  • Data storage directly in the welding system
  • Data viewed and processed for each welding system

Centralized documentation

with WeldCube Premium

  • All data stored in the central database
  • Data collection for all interlinked systems

WeldCube Light

Minimal local documentation
standard for TPS/i welding systems* at no additional cost

Mean values for every weld seam are stored directly in the welding system, which can then be separately visualized online for each TPS/i and exported as a PDF file.

The advantages  of WeldCube Light

  • Supports EN 1090-compliant documentation
  • Option to create free documentation
  • Immediate documentation without requirement for additional software integration


* except for TPS 270i


Data documentation

  1. Mean values of every weld seam are recorded: time, duration, current, voltage, wire speed, power.
  2. Add columns
  3. PDF export
  4. Restrict results using time filters
  5. Filters for welding operations, faults, and events
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View jobs

  1. Display of stored jobs
  2. All parameters of a selected job are shown.
  3. PDF export
  4. Comparison of jobs: differences are highlighted in red
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WeldCube Basic

Extended local data documentation
with configurable range of functions

For users who need limit monitoring or editing functions for set values and actual values recorded at a sampling rate of up to 100 ms alongside the mean values, WeldCube Basic is the answer. This variant also records data directly in the welding system and visualizes them online for each TPS/i. Furthermore, the data is available as both a PDF and a CSV export.

The advantages of WeldCube Basic

  • Variable range of functions: options for job management, actual-value documentation, and limit monitoring
  • Ideal solution for smaller companies with few welding systems
  • Transparency and traceability at seam level
  • Can be upgraded at any time


Data documentation

  1. Mean values of every weld seam are recorded: time, duration, current, voltage, wire speed, power.
  2. Add columns
  3. PDF/CSV export
  4. Restrict results using time filters
  5. Filters for welding operations, faults, and events 
  6. In the event of limit violations, the weld seam concerned is highlighted in red.
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Possibility of export via CSV

  1. Ability to export weld seam data (average value or sampling rate based)
  2. Additional parameters can be exported if needed
  3. Save CSV files
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Edit jobs

  1. Edit jobs
  2. Values can be directly changed
  3. Display of possible adjustment range
  4. Jobs can be exported and imported on other devices
  5. Upper and lower limit values can be set for the basic parameters (A, V, Vd)
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WeldCube Premium

Centralized documentation solution
with intelligent management, statistical, and analysis functions, as well as graphical visualization of results

  • Centralized & networked
    Significantly reduced time and effort required for documentation and administration thanks to centralized storage of the data in a database
  • Traceability
    Targeted documentation and process optimization via the component-specific collection of welding data
  • Flexibility
    Forwarding of data to third-party systems via an integrated data interface (web API)
  • Compatibility
    In addition to the new Fronius welding systems, older series can also be used with WeldCube Premium
  • User-friendliness
    Straightforward graphical visualization of all recorded data for quick and easy analysis. This makes it possible to quickly detect errors that develop on components over the course of several welding processes

The advantages of WeldCube Premium

  • Traceability
  • Centralized documentation with automated reports and statistical functions
  • Time and cost savings

Online-demo of WeldCube Premium

Start now collecting first impressions ofthe functions and usability of WeldCube Premium.

You can log in straight away with these access credentials.

Login: guest
Password: guest

Click here for the Online-Demo


Workpiece monitoring in real-time

  1. Traffic light system for every weld seam with position
       Yellow = Not yet welded
       Red = Faulty due to limit violation
       Green = Correct
  2. Details on every weld seam directly accessible
  3. Status bar displaying component progress
  4. Information on component
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Details to every weld seam

  1. Actual data at selected time
  2. Overview of actual data across the entire weld seam
  3. All information on selected weld seam
  4. PDF export with all data on selected weld seam
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  1. Every change in the job is traceable down to the finest detail
  2. The selected job can be restored at the click of a button
  3. Changes in the job are highlighted
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All information of the welding machines

  1. Information on selected welding system with direct link to device
  2. Overview of available and installed function packages
  3. History of installed hardware
  4. All jobs on the selected welding system can be edited and distributed to other devices
  5. Error messages are saved in the log book
  6. Access to all weld seams produced by this device
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Customizable dashboard

  1. Customizable dashboard
  2. Widgets can be placed on the screen
  3. Status of welding system
  4. Statistics on the total number of welding operations performed
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WeldCube Connector

Full documentation of all your Power Sourcesin one place – the complete Welding DataDocumentation.



/ integrate TransSteel into WeldCube Premium

/ integrate devices of any brand into WeldCube Premium

* Only for TransSteel split systems and TransSteel 3500c.

Further software solutions

WeldCube API

Data interfaces for TPS/i welding systems and WeldCube Premium

In order that welding data may be documented, analyzed, or made available for other software systems, Fronius offers various data interfaces, known as APIs. The customer can use the data that are made available for their own customized data management solutions.

WeldCube API

Central User Management

User management in the welding system itself

Authorizations can be assigned to users individually on Fronius welding systems that feature an integrated  authorization system.

The system knows what the user is and is not allowed to do when they log in using a key card, key fob, or the WeldConnect app.

Central User Management


The Fronius app for wireless interaction with the welding system

WeldConnect allows every welder to quickly and easily find the suitable parameters for their welding task. Step by step, the app asks for the precise details of the application at hand – such as welding process, parent material, weld seam profile and shielding gas. The user can either enter this data manually or scan the QR codes on the respective materials. Using this information, the wizard calculates the ideal welding parameters for both TIG and MIG/MAG applications.

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